Here we are in January. I have been silent for a while because my life has been upside down in puppy land. I thought my days of living with a newborn were over, but then there was this….
Meet Ginger! She is the newest addition to our clan. Now, I am the mom of 2 kids and 2 boxers. We LOVE boxers! They are such sweet and loyal dogs. Our Coco is 7 years old, and she really needed a playmate. Her new playmate is driving her crazy! She sits on her, licks her, follows her every move, and sleeps on her. Despite her disapproving growls, I think she secretly loves her. I find them snuggling more and more. Like most babies, Ginger keeps us on our toes and has required a lot of time to adjust. I didn’t even realize it was New Year’s Eve yesterday. Sad, but true.
I finally had some time to sit and look at last year and plan for what I want to do in 2018. Maybe, it’s because I am sleep deprived from our new addition, but I came up with 5 things I really want to work on. None of them have to do with weight, fitness, or healthy eating. Praise the Lord! These are things I sometimes say to myself but never to anyone in public, but thy are public now. Maybe you will relate or chuckle with how ridiculous they sound. It’s really what I am thinking about, because it’s my life.
I mean let’s talk about this! Why? You know you have done it. I’m guilty! Since moving back from Germany, it drives me insane. I lose it in my car every time! I just don’t understand. It’s really simple: the left is for passing. Get over if you don’t want to pass. Please for the love of everything that is good in this world, stop cruising the left lane! I know I can’t control this, so I really need to stay calm when I experience this stupidity! Serenity now!
Am I the only one? It’s been a long time since I was a size 6. I have had 2 C sections. My body has completely changed. I have the cutest size 6 pants that I loved so so much. I don’t know why I haven’t parted with them. It’s time. I’m facing a move in the next 6 months so I am more motivated. There may be some tears. I really love those pants.
Did you watch the movie, Daddy’s Home? There is a part in the movie where Will Ferrell’s character tells his stepkid to dance battle to end an argument. Well, I think that is what I am going to do when my kids start fighting. No amount of yelling or talking ever works, maybe this will. I will keep you posted. I added the headphones so I don’t have to listen to the fighting. #momwin
Does this one really need any explanation? If you have any Legos in your house, you will understand the pain of stepping on a Lego hidden in your carpet. Socks don’t help. I need to invent a type that will shield the pain.
Maybe this goes with my resolution to throw out my clothes that don’t fit. I don’t know. Since I had kids, I really don’t have a day to go shopping for just me. I tried to go a couple of months ago, and I totally froze in the store. I didn’t have a clue what I liked or didn’t like. I didn’t even know the styles that are out. I just ended up leaving dazed, confused, and empty-handed. If I had been there for my kids, I could have come out with bags of clothes.
So there you have it, my totally ridiculous resolution confessions. These are the things I deal with on a daily basis. I think it’s time to go throw out some pants.
Happy New Year!
Author: Betsy Ramirez
Betsy is a registered dietitian/nutritionist, homeschool mom, & fairy tale junkie, who loves getting crafty. Being on my bike and lifting weights are my therapy. Thinking outside the box is my jam!
One less thing to have to figure out this year!