Snacking is always happening in our house! My kids are always running to the cabinet and asking what there is to eat. Now that they are old enough, it has gotten easier but the lack of ideas makes it easy to go for poor choices. My niece contacted me a few weeks ago to help […]

Lunchbox Lessons for Healthy Kids
Who needs some Lunchbox Lessons? Mom and Dad, do you feel like you are running a restaurant? Are your kids constantly demanding to eat? School may not be in session but that doesn’t mean kids can’t learn some ways to make their own healthy lunches. It doesn’t to be this hard. I am going to […]

ADHD Toolbox for Back to School
If you have ADHD or have a child with ADHD, life can feel overwhelming at times. To sit still and focus on a task can seem like a jail sentence. There is so much to think and do besides focusing on what is in front on you. For some, it can feel like you might […]
Bright Ideas

DIY Harry Potter Halloween Quidditch House
This DIY Harry Potter Quidditch theme has been a hit of the neighborhood! Neighborhood kids and fellow Potter fans find something new everytime they come by the house! Harry Potter is one of my all time favorite movies! I can’t even begin to count the number of times I have seen it. My family and […]

How To Make An Intro Video For Your Blog Or Nutrition Business
If you have a blog or nutrition business, you want to let people know you are there. If you want them to keep coming back, you will need to let them know a little about you and what you have to offer. In this post, I want to give you the tools on how to […]

Video Essentials for Dietitians: Live with Abbey Sharp
One of my great passions is to help dietitians develop their video skills. I was fortunate to have Abbey Sharp of Abbey’s Kitchen be a guest for my Live event in my private group for dietitians, Making Videos for Dietitians, to get her expert feedback on You Tube. Abbey is a veteran You Tube star […]
Simple Nutrition

4 Quick and Healthy Snacks for Kids
Snacking is always happening in our house! My kids are always running to the cabinet and asking what there is to eat. Now that they are old enough, it has gotten easier but the lack of ideas makes it easy to go for poor choices. My niece contacted ... continue reading...

Lunchbox Lessons for Healthy Kids
Who needs some Lunchbox Lessons? Mom and Dad, do you feel like you are running a restaurant? Are your kids constantly demanding to eat? School may not be in session but that doesn't mean kids can't learn some ways to make their own healthy ... continue reading...

ADHD Toolbox for Back to School
If you have ADHD or have a child with ADHD, life can feel overwhelming at times. To sit still and focus on a task can seem like a jail sentence. There is so much to think and do besides focusing on what is in front on you. For some, it can feel like ... continue reading...

40+ Books That Teach Kids About Food
I love books that are about food! Since I had kids, I kinda obsess over them and try to make them into a fun project. Now that I teach online Child Nutrition courses I wanted to provide my students with a comprehensive list of books that teach about ... continue reading...