I’ll admit, I am not sad to see 2016 get kicked to the curb. It’s been a year of major change, highs, lows, and uncertainty. While it’s not all been bad, it’s caused me to truly reflect on my path. I’m not a spring chicken anymore. I have officially entered into mid life, and I look around me and wonder what my purpose is as a mom, wife, daughter, friend, and career minded women. I think I have finally figured out my strengths and weakness, although it feels like they ebb and flow in each stage of life. Do you ever feel that way?
I totally admit to being a competitive person, although way toned down than earlier in life. I want to be the best at everything, a great mom, a great teacher, a great dietitian, a great wife, and the list goes on. I’m not. I repeat, I am not the best. It’s time to let go of that mentality and embrace who God created me to be, a flawed but obedient child. I don’t know my future, but I have always relied on my faith. God has always been faithful to me. I have been so blessed to see and experience real miracles. I have forgotten those miracles in the busyness of life. I have forgotten to keep my focus on things not seen. I think we all do that. Why does it always take major change to get our attention?
Early in 2016, I asked God to show me his plan for me once again. I feel like I always ask that question since we move ALL THE TIME. We were moving back to the states from being in Germany for 3 amazing years. I was really apprehensive and worried so I asked God to hedge me in to his path for me in this new place. I always have so many ideas in my head, and I needed him to sift out HIS purpose. I did try some other things, but my prayer was answered, and I have been hedged in. It’s wasn’t easy. It was quite painful. I had a lot of loss this year. I lost living in a country I loved. I lost faith in public school being able to help my son. I lost a dear friend. It was rough. I also had some pretty awesome successes! All of those things combined led me to this place.
So, what is this place? This place is me. It’s a snapshot into my life. It’s a place where I can help others. It’s a place where I can reflect, share, and be authentic. Believe me when I tell you, I have a lot to share! If you know me, you may know how much I love acronyms. It’s organizes my creative ADHD brain. My name was the perfect acronym for what you will mainly see here. Head over to my about section and I break it down by the letter.
I am also excited because I am going to start seeing clients and trying to help more kids! I also want to help bloggers and dietitians in food videography and getting more healthy eating messages out there. I can’t wait to get started on these services! My journey doesn’t stop there. I am a new homeschool mom to my ADHD, dyslexic son. I am navigating a whole different world of education. This mama bear is pretty passionate about speaking up and out on issues kids, like mine, face every single day.
Well, that’s it! My small footprint in a big world isn’t very scary. It’s an amazing place I have prayed hard to achieve. I don’t have expectations of grandeur about being a famous RDN or blogger. I just want to be me and maybe help some others who may struggle with being enough. Let me tell you, YOU ARE ENOUGH! If you feel like your lost, pray hard. It may not be big. It may be small. Life can be like a constant game of 52 Card Pickup. Just pick up your card you are called to and play your hand well.
Thanks for reading! If you want to keep up! Don’t forget to subscribe or follow me on my social media pages.
Author: Betsy Ramirez
Betsy is a registered dietitian/nutritionist, homeschool mom, & fairy tale junkie, who loves getting crafty. Being on my bike and lifting weights are my therapy. Thinking outside the box is my jam!